Thursday, October 2, 2008

Only ABC Highlights Debate Moderator Gwen Ifill's Obama Book

Photo of Scott Whitlock.

Of the three morning shows on Wednesday, only "Good Morning America" highlighted the growing controversy regarding the disclosure that PBS reporter Gwen Ifill, the moderator of Thursday's vice presidential debate, has authored a supportive book about Barack Obama and other African American politicians. CBS's "Early Show" and NBC's "Today" both skipped the subject.

GMA news anchor Chris Cuomo mentioned the book during the 7am hour and actually observed that it "has some conservatives claiming she will be biased tomorrow night." The ABC journalist added, "Ifill has said, though, she's only concerned about getting straight answers from the candidates." And although Cuomo did not repeat the story during the 8am news brief, at least ABC brought the issue up.

[UPDATE, by Brent Baker: Wednesday evening, of the broadcast network evening newscasts, only the NBC Nightly News mentioned Ifill. Andrea Mitchell ended a story by citing an unidentified "one conservative critic" and how colleagues and McCain say she's not biased:

As the stage is set for tomorrow night, one conservative critic challenged the moderator, Gwen Ifill of PBS because Ifill is writing a history of a generation of black politicians titled Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. Palin said tonight that's motivating her to work harder. Ifill's colleagues and the McCain campaign say she is a respected professional.]

Ifill's book, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" will also feature the Democratic governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, and the Democratic mayor of Newark, New Jersey, Corey Booker.

See a MRC Reality Check for more examples of Ifill's liberal tilt

A transcript of the news brief, which aired at 7:16am on October 1, follows:

CHRIS CUOMO: An upcoming book by Gwen Ifill, who is moderating tomorrow's vice presidential debate, is drawing fire this morning. The PBS journalist, seen here at the last VP debate, is promoting a book about Barack Obama and other young African-American politicians. That has some conservatives claiming she will be biased tomorrow night. Ifill has said, though, she's only concerned about getting straight answers from the candidates.

—Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center.

You see, these liberals

You see, these liberals aren't at all concerned about financial gain, so they can be excused for such seemingly obvious conflicts of interests.

It also follows that we can now eliminate all taxpayer funding for P-BS and NPR. They'll happily work for free.

What I really like is the spin I saw earlier

today in some MSM story of how it "was no secret" and info was "readily available on" of Ifill's upcoming book. The entire tone was: You knew she was writing a book and McCain can't use a computer so he wouldn't be able to find this info online, etc.

No mention however of how in a normal world a person like Ifill would excuse, better termer recuse, herself from the moderator position. But then again, who would take her place? Steven Colbert?

The liberal hometown

The liberal hometown newspaper in St. Louis interviewed her today and did not ask about the book. Amazing.

This story was sitting front

This story was sitting front and center on Drudge all day and all night. There is no excuse not to avoid the issue in any newsroom. Perhaps, any newsroom on earth. Yes, give ABC some credit - it's due. For the NBC and CBS morning shows to completely ignore the Gwen Ifill controversy is evidence numver 675, 594 they can not deliver the news of the day - just their bias and deceptive spin of curent events.
On this morning, as flyoverland noted (thank you), how can any reporter not want to get a comment from Gwen Ifill?
I'm telling you, every single day something happens that just shocks me more then yesterday regarding these democratic hacks posing as news people. They really have no shame. They really don't give a sh&%.

Gwen Ifill. Straight, and equally fair, questions will get you..

Ifill has said, though, she's only concerned about getting straight answers from the candidates.

Gwen Ifill. Only straight, and equally fair, questions will get you.. straight answers.

How Libs Think:

But wait, Gwen Awful is on the government payroll. That means she can't be biased like the capitalist dogs ate ABC, NBC, CBS, etc.

You mean she's biased in favor of big government programs like PBS and by extention is in favor of liberal candidates like Obama who want to fund PBS? Why that's preposterous!

American Family

is running a boycott of the major networks(A,N,&C) and I think they should include Pbs!. I mean it is run with our tax $$$$.

Is Gwen bias?


How sweet it is.

"Today we are all chocolate!"

Her book, due to be released

Her book, due to be released on inauguration day, will be utterly worthless if it's not Obama being inaugurated. She has every incentive in the world to root for an Obama victory.

Ever notice....?

GMA news anchor Chris Cuomo mentioned the book during the 7am hour and actually observed that it "has some conservatives claiming she will be biased tomorrow night."

Ya ever notice that if a given observation is critical of a Democrat or the media, these MSM hacks always make sure to diminish (refute?) the criticism by contending that it's isolated to "some conservatives". "Aw, it's just those biased, racist conservatives. Who cares?"

Whereas if the criticism is being leveled against a Republican, it's simply "has some claiming" or amplified (without any substantiation) using "has many claiming" or "a growing number of observers claiming".

And never, EVER will they use the L Word used to qualify any criticism of a Republican. You'll NEVER hear something like "...has some liberals complaining..."

Of course some "news" outfits, like NBC, simply won't report the criticism at all - regardless of how fair or accurate.

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