Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a new low in politics.

From: http://beltwaysnark.com/2008/09/15/did-obama-seriously-try-to-get-iraq-to-stall-on-a-pullout/

WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.

According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.

“He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington,” Zebari said in an interview.

Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops - and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its “state of weakness and political confusion.”

“However, as an Iraqi, I prefer to have a security agreement that regulates the activities of foreign troops, rather than keeping the matter open.” Zebari says.

Though Obama claims the US presence is “illegal,” he suddenly remembered that Americans troops were in Iraq within the legal framework of a UN mandate. His advice was that, rather than reach an accord with the “weakened Bush administration,” Iraq should seek an extension of the UN mandate.

Wow. Just wow. Even the Iraqis can see what Obama was trying to do.

Iraqi leaders are divided over the US election. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani (whose party is a member of the Socialist International) sees Obama as “a man of the Left” - who, once elected, might change his opposition to Iraq’s liberation. Indeed, say Talabani’s advisers, a President Obama might be tempted to appropriate the victory that America has already won in Iraq by claiming that his intervention transformed failure into success.

Maliki’s advisers have persuaded him that Obama will win - but the prime minister worries about the senator’s “political debt to the anti-war lobby” - which is determined to transform Iraq into a disaster to prove that toppling Saddam Hussein was “the biggest strategic blunder in US history.”

Other prominent Iraqi leaders, such as Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, believe that Sen. John McCain would show “a more realistic approach to Iraqi issues.”

If this can be proven, Obama might as well hang it up. Not only is meddling in ongoing US negotiations with Iraq a no-no of epic proportions, the idea that Obama would even dare to suggest to Iraqis that they should not deal with the Bush administration in creating a timeline (thereby leaving troops in Iraq longer than needed) just to try and make Dems look better if he takes office is sick.

And I don’t know why I’m so surprised, I always thought the Dems would do whatever it took to claim the Iraq victory for themselves. I just never thought they’d go so far as to leaving our troops exposed for years longer than necessary to do it.

UPDATE - Here’s the word from Team Obama.

But Obama’s national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi said Taheri’s article bore “as much resemblance to the truth as a McCain campaign commercial.”

In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a “Strategic Framework Agreement” governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office, she said.

Barack Obama has never urged a delay in negotiations, nor has he urged a delay in immediately beginning a responsible drawdown of our combat brigades,” Morigi said.

That statement didn’t help Obama’s case much, seeing as his national security spokeswoman just admitted that Obama stuck his two cents where it didn’t belong. That’s still tampering with an ongoing US-Iraq negotiation, and the idea that Obama didn’t urge a delay in negotiations is negated by the fact that he did indeed say that the Iraqis should wait until the next administration to do anything. I’m no genius, but that counts as urging a delay in negotiations to me. And if Taheri’s report is correct, that’s how the Iraqis interpreted Obama’s remarks.

McCain Palin, Have More Fun and Get Things Done!

more from: http://riggword.wordpress.com/2008/09/29/mccain-palin-have-more-fun-and-get-things-done/

The McCain Palin meme is, “Have More Fun and Get Things Done!”

The Obama and Biden meme is “Whine and Complain, Destroy and Take Names”

Just think about it, who has the energy in their campaign? McCain Palin of course. Their rallies and apprances are now the electirafying ones. Their crowds are fun and full energetic people. Sarah Palin’s smile and wave are infectious. Even John McCain seems witting and lively on the campaign trail. Obama and Biden are the old boy political elite power mongers. They are the ones who want to bully people into voting for them. Obama Biden reflect heavy handed Chicago Style “Gangland Tactics” Politics, while McCain Palin are refreshing, new, and likable. Even honoring our solders by wearing a bracelet demonstrates the difference between McCain’s heart and Obama’s show.

Obama does not speak from the heart when he tries to sound mainstream:

Obama can talk eloquent all day when he is espousing his leftists ideas. He stumbles and stammers when he has to speak in a more centrist tone. In this election it is clear that McCain is speaking what he believes in, a strong America and American heritage. Obama has difficulty standing up for the American way. Southern Appeal writes,

“The reason he has begun to seem halting is simple. Obama runs effortlessly to the left because that is his comfort zone. When he can give the “workers of the world unite” rhetoric and promote his reasons for dovish foreign policy, he is at home, talking to his people about what they all believe. That’s why he was so good in the primaries.

But in the general, he faces a different problem. He can’t roll the same way. He has to think carefully about what he says because all kinds of Americans are paying attention. Those pauses are necessary because the wheels do need to turn. He HAS to find the nuance in order to avoid appearing radical.” (Southern Appeal)

McCain works to save our countries financial system, while Barry runs around grandstanding.

After the debate, McCain went right back to work on the American financial crisis by calling Washington congressperson to create what Hugh Hewitt calls, “A Responsible Exercise of Representative Government” . McCain saw the problem and attacked the issue head on. In his post Bill Dryer wrote, “

Senior adviser Mark Salter said the Arizona senator spent the morning at his campaign headquarters placing calls to congressional leaders and White House officials involved in finalizing a multibillion-dollar deal to bail out failing financial firms. Earlier in the week McCain suspended most campaign activities to help develop a bipartisan agreement….

“He can effectively do what he needs to do by phone,” Salter said Saturday. “He’s calling members on both sides, talking to people in the administration, helping out as he can.”

Here is what Hugh Hewitt says about the plan,

Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 7:46 AM The outline of the deal reached by legislators and the Administration represents not just the restoration of confidence and liquidity for Wall Street and thus a breakwater for Main Street, but also a reassuring return of purposeful legislating by the Congress. I expect not to like many of the details, but my party is in the minority on the Hill, and cannot expect to carry such matters. President Bush and his team have been acting responsibly throughout this crisis and continue to do so. The most talented and mature Republicans in the Congress –I single out Senator Jon Kyl as I interviewed him on Friday and can thus say with assurance that he has been working hard to resolve this incredibly complex and perilous situation– have been working to assure the package does what it has to do with minimum long-term disruptions to the market. From the account in the Wall Street Journal, Speaker Pelosi also played an important role worthy of her office in bringing the negotiations to a close. All Americans should thank her and the other responsible legislators for working to get this done before the markets opened on Monday. (More Hewitt).

Obama may mean what he says:

From: http://riggword.wordpress.com/2008/03/23/obama-seriously-flawed/

Obama may mean what he says:

In that case, just as he says “I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community” we can no more separate what Obama says from his candidacy. I was around in the sixties. I saw the Watts riots close up, I heard the black panthers, I experienced the Democratic convention of 1968. What he says is no different. How we perceive it is. I would like to see our country growing away from such divisive rhetoric. What remains to be seen is if the Democratic party can survive and flourish through this storm. What is also in the future is what will happen as the Republican party looses seats in Congress and the Democrats fall apart from burden of Obama and Clinton.

Mark Steyn Has a great article on this subject:

Here is an excerpt from his article, “So Much for the ‘Post-Racial’ Candidate“:

“I’m sure,” said Barack Obama in that sonorous baritone that makes his drive-thru order for a Big Mac, fries and strawberry shake sound profound, “many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.” “Well, yes. But not many of us have heard remarks from our pastors, priests or rabbis that are stark, staring, out-of-his-tree, flown-the-coop nuts.”

He went on to write:

Nonetheless, last week, Barack Obama told America: “I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community.”

What is the plain meaning of that sentence? That the paranoid racist ravings of Jeremiah Wright are now part of the established cultural discourse in African American life and thus must command our respect? Let us take the senator at his word when he says he chanced not to be present on AIDS Conspiracy Sunday, or God Damn America Sunday, or US of KKKA Sunday, or the Post-9/11 America-Had-It-Coming Memorial Service. A conventional pol would have said he was shocked, shocked to discover Afrocentric black liberation theology going on at his church. But Obama did something far more audacious: Instead of distancing himself from his pastor, he attempted to close the gap between Wright and the rest of the country, arguing, in effect, that the guy is not just his crazy uncle but America’s, too.