Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fascist Dictator Checklist

Fascist Dictator Checklist


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — Santayana

* Speeches in stadiums filled with mesmerized, adoring audiences - CHECK

* An uninspiring background before meteoric rise - CHECK

* Creates his own new symbols of power - CHECK

* Associates with racists, hatemongers and violent radicals - CHECK

* A propaganda machine willing to show him only in the best possible light - CHECK

* Uses, “glorious leader” style Agitprop posters common in totalitarian nations - CHECK (see German campaign poster for example)

* Wants Secret Police force - CHECK

* Somebody powerful people think they can control - CHECK

* Often dismissed as a light-weight by his opponents - CHECK

* Seeks to replace God with the State - CHECK

* People adopting his name as their own - CHECK

* Inspires adoration art - CHECK

* Appropriates symbols of past German glory - CHECK

* Never plans on giving up power - CHECK (Obama to be president for the next “eight to 10 years”)

* A narcissistic megalomaniac - CHECK

* Brazenly Takes credit for other people’s accomplishments - CHECK

* Wants to build “youth” movement through Universal National State service - CHECK

* Acts as if in power before he is - CHECK

* Some followers believe him to be divine - CHECK

* Worshiped and aided greatly by the media - CHECK

* Has his own salute - CHECK

* Has thuggish supporters intimdating political opponents – CHECK

* Using the power of the State to silence critics - CHECK

TheBigOldDog on September 27, 2008 at 7:20 PM

On September 30th, 2008 at 7:52 pm, ITookTheRedPill said:

Add to that:

* Followers teach children to sing songs of praise to him - CHECK

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